
Psalm 149 Dance

Creative Team

Psalm 149 Dance would not be who they are today without the relentless time and energy their creative team has devoted. Their never-ending love has brought Psalm 149 Dance to such great places and we, as a team, are so thankful for them.


Owner/Creative Director: Angeline Carrillo

Angeline grew up knowing Christ, but it was not until college and her partnership at the Austin Stone Community Church that she was truly transformed by His love. In 2012 as she was graduating High School, the Lord laid dance heavily on her heart and a vision for dance ministry. She began her journey through the Dance Department at Texas State University and spent her time as an undergrad dancing, studying the word of God, and discovering all of the ways she could give her talents back to her creator. Upon earning her Bachelor’s degree in dance and English, she went against her instinct to apply for full time jobs that would insure financial security, and to instead place her future in God’s hands, trusting Him completely. Through much prayer and divine influence, she was able to start Psalm 149 Dance Ministries in September of 2016. Since then the Lord has blessed her and this ministry in ways far greater than she could have asked or imagined. Her prayer is for the Lord to continue to bless this ministry so that she can fully dedicate her life to serving the Lord with the passions He gave her.

DFW Director: Brittany McKinney


Creative Associates



Photographer & Videographer: Rachel Tucker

Rachel was born and raised in Sugar Land, Texas. She began dancing at a very young age and continued throughout high school, dancing in various companies and styles. Rachel is currently a junior at Texas State University where she is majoring in Photography. She plans on using her love for art and dance to bring God’s love and grace to those around her and around the world.


Website Designer: Amber Cantu

Amber was born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is graduated from Texas State University where she earned her BFA in Dance Studies and BA in Psychology. While at Texas State University, Amber was president of the improvisational dance club Transient Dance Collective and a dancer in the touring ensemble CIMTEYA. She is now working with the Office of Disability Services at Texas State University and wishes to pursue a career in Dance Therapy. She is very excited to continue learning and growing with Psalm149 Dance Ministries to better serve the lord and spread his love through dance.

Worship Team


Overflow Movement

Overflow is a team of creative artists that have been working with us from day one. They have a heart for mission and have been blessed with the ability to create and inspire unlike anything we have seen. They have been performing, recording and producing their own music for the past few years, using their musical talents to show others the love of Christ. With two ordained ministers and an audio engineer on their team, they have gone above and beyond in their efforts at discipleship. In recent years they have added an apparel company to their repertoire, utilizing responsibly produced materials and eco friendly products to inspire conversations about Christ with their creative designs. They also recently introduced a "care for creation" line that inspires and brings awareness to the need to protect and preserve the creation God has entrusted to us. Not only does this artistic team perform live for our events, but they have also designed and printed all of our apparel made available to you. To learn more about their mission and support their creative team, please visit their webpage: